Christ Church allowed Lily and I to worship in the Holy Land, in the church of our faith, in the City of David. Truly, it was an awesome experience. I seldom have felt more at home at a church than I did as Christ Church. (Me in the courtyard of the church, above) The service was 'charismatic High Church' not a mixture you see in Juneau, Alaska ... at least I haven't. The service was very uplifting and at one point I felt a total wave of joy. This experienced balanced out some angst and stress I'd been experiencing over a work screwup, so experiencing God's grace came at a timely moment.
Christ Church also serves lunch (really friendly service, food not too great) and coffees (coffees OK) and has a hostel, which is probably a little more sane than the Petra Hostel. You meet a lot of Christian believers around the Jaffa Gate!
Later in the day we struck up a conversation with two travelers from Eastern Europe, very cool guys. Both were staying at the Petra Hostel, and they liked Lily a lot. Both were lawyers, one worked for the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, and the other was in private practice in Hungary. We decided to meet up and find some food in the Moslem quarter. We found a great place and sat for a couple of hours taking about the state of the world. (See below) Both thought Condi Rice was the best choice for President in the next election. After our meal, we made plans to travel together to the West Bank the following day, to see the Church of the Nativity.
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